Frangula purshiana, chitticum bark, Cascara Buckthorn, Cascara, Bearberry
Aloe-emodin, anthraquinones, barbaloin, beta-carotene, casanthranol, chrysophanic acid, chrysophanol, frangulin, malic acid, myristic acid, calcium, iron, linoleic acid, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, silicon, zinc, vitamins B1, B2, B3, and C
The name Cascara Sagrada means 'Sacred Bark,' a name given this plant by Native American Indians. Chitticum bark acts as a colon cleanser and laxative (as the pronunciation of its name suggests). It is one of the strongest herbal laxatives, but is not a purgative. Cascara Sagrada has been found effective for colon disorders, constipation, and parasitic infestation. This is a very bitter tasting herb when taken as a tea. This bark can soothe the nerves and promote sleep. It is a safe laxative for pregnancy & can be used for children. Cascara Sagrada works by increasing the secretions of the liver, stomach, pancreas and lower bowel without being an irritant. Additionally, its action helps tone the intestines and regulate the colon without being habit forming. Many herbal combinations for the lower bowel utilize this herb. When used at the onset of illness or a cold, Cascara Sagrada can help clean the colon and system, supporting healing.
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