Althea officinales, Sweet Weed, Cheeses, Wymote, Mallards, Mauls, Schloss Tea, Mortification Root
Flowers, stems, leaves, roots
Amino acids, beta-carotene, betaine, caffeic acid, calcium, chlorogenic acid, ferulic acid, iron, kaempferol, lime, magnesium, manganese, mucilage, paraffin, p-coumaric acid, pectin, phytosterols, phosphorus, potassium, quercetin, salicylic acid, scopoletin, selenium, sorbitol, tannins, vanillic acid, vitamins B1, B2, B3, and C, zinc.
Marshmallow root is prized for remedies. The root powder is very absorbent, binding together when moistened. Marshmallow’s constituents don’t interfere with the action of other herbs, making it an ideal medium for making pills and lozenges from other herbal extracts. The leaves are used in poultices, teas and green drinks.
Marshmallow is a diuretic which aids the body in expelling excess fluid and mucus through the increased production and elimination of urine. As a demulcent, Marshmallow helps to sooth and relieve inflammation. These properties, combined with it’s anti-inflammatory action, make marshmallow root useful in the treatment of bladder infections.
The diuretic properties of marshmallow combined with its expectorant properties make Marshmallow a good choice when treating congestion. Expectorants promote the expulsion of mucous secretions from the air passages. Because of its rich stores of nutrients which build body tissues, Marshmallow is classified as a nutritive. The combined effect of these properties makes this herb a help in the treatment of weakened systems characterized by congestion. An additional benefit of these actions is that it provides relief of headaches related to sinus pressure.
By relieving the body of excess fluids, Marshmallow helps alleviate kidney and bladder problems while providing valuable nutrients.
Both internally and externally, Marshmallow is healing for the skin, mucous membranes, and other tissues. Its emollient action helps soften and sooth irritation. Classified as a vulnerary, Marshmallow promotes wound healing and normalization of damaged tissue. Marshmallow is mucilaginous, which means that its beneficial properties are delivered in a soothing coating to inflamed tissues and sensitive areas.
Marshmallow increases and enriches milk in nursing mothers.
As with all herbs, avoid use of plants that have been exposed to toxic chemicals or have not been certified 'chemical free.'
Disclaimer: None of this is to be considered a substitute for medical examination and/or treatment. Use what you will, but do so knowing that you must consider your own circumstance and the application of these things with sound judgment. "Althaea officinalis
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